Welcome To Our Website.
We Specialize in Daylilies with Ruffles and Teeth!

 Birth Place Of:
"Deadliest Catch"
"Born To Bite"
" Wild Hair "
" Lady Stephanie Victoria Redding "
" Interview With A Vampire "
 " Red Ragamuffin"
 " Riding A Chainsaw "
" Swimming With Sharks "
" Carnivore "
And more to come !!!
Pleasant Valley Gardens is located
in Dayton, Ohio. Zone 5B.

 One of our main hybridizing goals is to put southern faces on Northern
Hardy Daylilies with great plant habit.

Doug Sterling

contact information; (937) 835-7093
7465 W. Third St, Dayton, Ohio. 45417

e-mail:  pleasantvalleyfa@aol.com

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Pleasant Valley Gardens